Story Stoles • Advent Collection

8 products

    Advent, meaning “coming” or “arrival,” is intended to be a season of waiting—waiting for the Christ child to be born in our hearts anew, for God to create a new heaven and a new earth, for Christ to come again, and the reign of God to come to this world. 

    Throughout this season, we read stories of John the Baptist announcing the coming of Christ’s ministry and we listen to angel messengers saying to Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, and Elizabeth, “Do not be afraid.” We remember these stories to commemorate God’s incarnate promises having been fulfilled in Christ—that is, Christ Emmanuel, or "God with us," who humbly entered the world while conceding to and exhorting vulnerability. Christ was and is a testament to how, in our weakness, we are made strong. 

    While they last, our most popular designs have been restocked for the 2024 Advent season. As you continue to carry Christ's light into the world, we pray our stoles assist you in drawing out people, pain, and hurt from life's merciless shadows. 

    8 products
    "Ignited Love" Pastor Stole - Purple with Traditional Candles and Attachable Flames
    Story Stoles
    "Ignited Love" Pastor Stole - Blue with Blue Candles and Attachable Flames
    Story Stoles
    "Ignited Love" Deacon Stole - Blue with Blue Candles and Attachable Flames
    Story Stoles
    "In Search of Sanctuary" Deacon Stole
    Story Stoles
    "Eternal Light" Pastor Stole
    Story Stoles
    "Countdown with Chrismons" Pastor Stole
    Story Stoles
    "New Life In Christ" Pastor Stole - Purple
    Story Stoles
    "New Life In Christ" Deacon Stole - Purple
    Story Stoles