Story Stoles • Marriage Collection

2 products

     Marriage is such an important ceremony in God’s church. It uplifts a couple’s public commitments to each other in the presence of God and those who agree to support them in their new life together, their friends and family. The Holy Spirit blesses and binds the souls of God’s beloved. The couple vows to share their hopes, their fears, and their dreams with one another. It’s a joyous occasion for all who oversee this upmost expression of a couple’s love and devotion.  

    Prayers to all who continue to share the story of God’s love through marriage. It’s a story of unconditional love that stands the test of time! 

      2 products
      "New Life in Christ" Pastor Stole - Blue
      Story Stoles
      "New Life in Christ" Pastor Stole - Purple
      Story Stoles